The Bloom Psychological Services office is located at #204 - 86 McKenney Avenue, St. Albert.

When you arrive at the building, look for the door that has a sign above it reading "Mission Ridge Centre" to the left of Season's Gift Shop. Once you enter through this door, please proceed upstairs. Continue down the hallway until you've reached door #202 (door #204 is currently not operational). The door should be unlocked prior to your appointment, and you can enter into the offices here. Feel free to choose any chair in either waiting room, and help yourself to water, tea, or coffee. There is a bathroom in the hallway before you enter room #202.

If you scheduled a telehealth appointment, your appointment will take place via Jane video. You should receive an email from Jane about 30 minutes before the session with a link in blue near the bottom saying "Begin Your Online Appointment". Clicking this will allow you to use the video software. You can also test your video and audio ahead of the session using that link. If you would prefer a telephone session rather than video, please let your psychologist know.

If you have any difficulties finding the office or logging into your virtual appointment, please contact your psychologist.

To contact Doug, please email or call 587-487-4137
To contact Kaitlin, please email or call 587-487-4893

We look forward to seeing you for your appointment!

Bloom Psychological Services

#204 - 86 McKenney Avenue, St. Albert, AB, T8N 2T7

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